Ask Our Clients
Our proprietary Experience Modification Rate (EMR) program provides us the ability to verify, forecast, and permanently reduce your experience mod if incorrect.
"A recent analysis by The Jacobs Company, Inc. showed the reserves on my workers’ compensation claims were too high. The Jacobs Company agent helped me get the reserve downs prior to the carrier reporting to NCCI. His work dropped my experience MOD from a 1.08 to a 1.02 saving me over $4,000."
All clients are provided a complimentary four hour network analysis and data recovery plan.
"While the cost of downtime varies drastically by industry and organization, it’s clear that downtime equals loss. Per hour, those figures can run to tens of thousands of dollars."
Our clients are given access a customized interactive website to share with employees providing information on wellness programs and self-care resources.
"By assisting our clients with the tools to provide wellness programs and promote greater self-care, the direct return on investment has been as high as $81 per employee."
Our clients are supplied complete OSHA assistance ranging from on-line OSHA logs to assistance with complying with the varying rules and regulations by state.
"OSHA inspected 38,579 workplaces during Fiscal Year 2006. In addition, the 26 states running their own OSHA programs conducted an additional 58,058 inspections in FY 2006. OSHA penalties range from $0 to $70,000, depending upon how likely the violation is to result in serious harm to employees. Other-than-serious violations often carry no penalties, but may result in penalties of up to $7,000."